Friday, June 26, 2015
June 26
1 Timothy 4:4 - NLT
Since everything God created is good, we should not reject any of it but receive it with thanks.
Greg tried not to get discouraged, even though he gained back most of the weight he'd lost. This time it would be easier. He'd done it once; he could do it again. The first time had been so hard because he had such a low opinion of himself. His self-image had improved immensely, and he had the confidence he needed to know he could lose weight. Greg knew he was made in God's image, even if that image got hidden a little now and then. Knowing that he was loved made losing weight much easier. Greg was thankful that God loved him so. He could conquer anything with God's help.
TODAY'S THOUGHT: Good things come to those who believe they will!
Today's Tip: Eating Away at Exercise?
Many people think exercise allows them to eat more, but all that does is add back the calories you burned off. Never think of exercise as a license to overindulge.
Eggless Pancakes Recipe
1 cup wholewheat flour
1 cup white flour
3 tbsp wheat germ
2 tbsp cornstarch
2 tbsp baking soda
1 tsp baking soda
1 salt, optional
1 sugar, optional
1 water to mix
Combine all the dry ingredients. Add water, starting with 1/2 c & beating well. Add enough water till you have the consistency
desired. If you prefer thicker batter, add less water, thinner
batter, add more water.
Fry in a very lightly oiled skillet till brown, flip & continue to
cook the other side.